
Friday, 16 September 2011

Levi Strauss

`Every novel has a beginning, a middle and an end. But not necessarily in that order.'
Levi Strauss said that story elements which give meaning will usually appear in pairs. For example a story will typically be organised into binary opposites such as: hero/ villain, rich/ poor etc.

1)Applying Levi-Strauss to the opening of ‘Pale Rider’ (Eastwood-1985)

Peaceful setting vs. loud horse riders
Still shot of town vs. tracking shot of riders
Innocent town people vs. evil horse riders
Light vs. dark
Slow paced editing vs. Fast paced editing
Town vs. country
Sun vs. snow
High angles to low angles
Innocence vs. violence
Calm vs. fierce
Survival vs. death
Miracle- Clint Eastwood
Prayer vs. miracle
Supernatural vs. everyday

Applying Levi Strauss theories to my work/ trailer, will be important because I need to outline the contrast or opposites within my trailer. For example, the audience need to be able to see clearly who the evil character is and who the innocent ones are. This is mainly important to the horror genre, as we need the opposites so the audience epathise with the innocence and is becomes scared by the "evil" element within the horror trailer.

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